Okaaaay..As I sit here drinking hot tea and feeling warmer than I have all day I am continually reflecting on the cab ride back from the bookstore I had today. I had to pick up some supplies to continue building the RNGC yardage guide, and foolishly grabbed the most outspoken cabbie I could find. It was foolish because I have always adhered to the advice I once read in
Three Cups of Tea. Greg Mortensen always grabbed the most quiet cab driver possible and it worked out for him. Well, I'm pretty sure my cab driver, despite his penchant for claiming to have the best cab, had no idea how to get me to where I was headed. We ended up in the middle of the city, making a ton of u-turns and stuck in traffic for about an hour before we reached my place. He was the first Nepali I've seen visually upset and cursing at the traffic. It was quite an experience since most of the taxis drive somewhat safely. Disclaimer- safely by Kathmandu standards, which would be criminal in the US. This dude was cutting people off, people, not cars, cussing and chewing tobacco like crazy. I think I did the air brake thing a few times, a habit I thought I'd grown out of while over here, and my head definitely hit the roof a few times. These cars are not built for people six feet tall. I empathized with him and tried to speak some Nepali to get him to laugh at me, but it wasn't happening. When you drive in Nepal, the space you're in is your space. If someone can squeeze in front of you, and they do, they have the right of way since, well, you weren't there- how could it be your space. Anyway, we made the 20 minute trip in just under an hour fifteen. Pictures of a cab ride are coming in a few posts, so stay tuned.
I don't know why I included this, but here's my buddy Mike with Scottie Pippen. |
The rough draft of the yardage guide |
Attaching the targets. |
This is the reception area at the guest house I currently reside in |
This is a view of my walk back to said guesthouse. It's amazing people drive into these alleys and somehow get out. Although I have seen more than one car totally stuck. |
The corner after getting around the cars. Only 100 yards left until home sweet home |
I did not want to get out of bed today to begin with, as it was dreadfully cold anywhere but under my blanket..and sleeping bag..and sweatshirt. Here's how I forced myself up. I slammed a mountain dew and rolled onto the floor and began doing push ups until I was breathing heavy and my arms burned. It's always fun to see your breath in the morning, and the only way to combat that is to force yourself into exercise. (side note - my injury wasn't healed all the way, and I am now slightly re-injured. I think some stretching would have helped, but I read
this article the other day.)
Fact- That Scottie Pippen and Mike picture was not taken in Nepal