Okay, so I am still waiting for the shipment of golf equipment to come in. It is truly remarkable how many different people and ministries must sign off on this thing before it even leaves Calcutta, which is where the 90 boxes have been sitting for a few weeks now. Consider this, we are now being delayed for another few days because the sports minister is sick. That's right, if the head person in any office is down, the whole office is down. It'd be easy to get frustrated with these delays, but it may actually work out for the best, as Nick Becks is planning on arriving sometime in early February. Why is this for the best, you may ask. Because the HYGA is moving to Pokhara. Some of you may remember my incredible pictures of the
Himalayan Course, some of you may remember that this is where I spent my Thanksgiving. What I remember about this beautiful town is the laid back atmosphere and the friendly people who seem genuinely happy to help me in promoting junior golf in Nepal.
I can't remember if I touched on the fact that I was able to give a golf lesson to a couple of my American friends the other day. It was an incredibly clear day, and we could see the Himalayas in the distance while practicing. They are the creators of The Kathmanduo, a great blog. I actually contacted Brian and Claudine while I was researching for this job and made it part of my mission to seek them out once I arrived. Their wealth of knowledge about Kathmandu is incredible and they were always quick to answer any absurd questions I may have had. They even tagged me in a recent post, so please check it out
here. The following pictures are kind of a mix of a few days, so enjoy see me in my
This is a courtyard in Patan. What you can't see is the touristy cafe to the left. |
This is actually on the ceiling of the walkway into a Buddhist temple. It is the circle of life. Seems Complicated, I'll just wing it. |
You can take pictures, but you may not enter. I'm not even sure if this Monk can leave. |
Supposedly if you put something into this well, you will get five times the amount in return. I wrote birdie on a piece of paper and tossed it in. I expect to be 5 under the next time I play golf. |
Everyone at Terra Lago knows whjat this is about.I almost bough the sweatshirt just to have. |
This head piece is called a buff. It can be a scarf, mask, bandana, and probably a sling if you break your arm. This is actually a special 20th anniversary edition and isn't for sale. The owner of an outdoor store gave it to me as a gift. |
This dude is part of the Nepal Sports Counsel and is my main go-between in getting the equipment into Nepal. He also helps me with my Nepali homework |
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