Saturday, March 3, 2012

Inaugural Nepal Junior Tour Event!

Okay, where to start? Today marked the Inaugural Nepal Junior Tour Event. We had a huge turnout and the main thing about it is that it's not just a random junior event, but we have a sponsor for the next years worth of events, so the kids will continue to be able to have something to look forward to besides more practice. I already thanked everybody who helped put this together in person so now it's time to feel good and gloat a little. And that means only one thing... I rule!!!..No wait, that's not it...Picture Time!

Sachin explaining the rules to the marshalls.

First swing of the tournament
These are the participants. We had an additional 30 kids who participated in skills contests, but were not quite ready for the course

That's right, I gave an interview.

This girl won the longest putt contest I believe.
Pretty awesome to be able to walk around and watch these kids enjoying actually playing golf instead of practicing

The best thing is that they will now be able to do it every month

Total concentration


We had to keep them away from the prize table.

What a great moment!

You can see why they were so interested in the prizes. Shiny!

1000 words

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