Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fun Facts!

So, as you have probably discerned by now, I'll be heading to Nepal for a few months. Before applying for this position, I knew precious little about the country, save the fact that I wanted to be in that part of the world. I can now say that my morning reading now includes The Himalayan Times( Himalayan News), as well as a number of ex-pat blogs, and of course, the greatest investigative reporting paper ever- The New York Post!
I won't begin to describe the government yet, which to a pseudo-political junkie like myself is truly amazing to learn about, but check out the paper sometime so you'll be caught up when I begin my dissertation on the contrast between the fringe parties and the Maoists. You won't want to miss that! Where was I...okay some fun facts...

National Anthem Shri mân gumbhira nepâli prachanda pratâpi bhupati Shri pânch sarkâr mahârâjâdhirâjako sadâ rahos unnatti Rakhun chirâyu eeshale prajâ phailiyos pukâraun jaya premale
Hâmi nepâli sârâle.
English Translation May glory crown you, courageous Sovereign,
You, the gallant Nepalese,
Shri Panch Maharajadhiraja, our glorious ruler,
May he live for many years to come
And may the number of his subjects increase.
Let every Nepalese sing this with joy.

And some Geographical info for ya..(not as exciting as the anthem, but still, it's quite diverse.

Location Nepal is a landlocked country situated in South Asia, between China in North and India in South
Area 147,181 sq km.
Boundary 2,926 km.
  • Arable: 17%
  • Irrigated: 8,500 sq sm.
Climate Cool summers and severe winters in north to sub-tropical summers and mild winters in south
Time GMT + 5 hours 45 minutes

That's enough learning for the masses today.. Except this- Remember to floss; cavities are the least fun thing to get taken care of at 8am since, well..maybe ever. Perhaps in the next post there will even be some golf talk...

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